Emile - Jean Jacques Rousseau


Title: Emile

Author: Jean Jacques Rousseau

Translated by Barbara Foxley

Publisher: JM Dent & Sons, London

Year published: 1950

444 pages

Some interesting quotes from Emile:

1. To be honest I need not think myself infallible; my opinions, which seem to me true, may be so many lies; for what man is there who does not cling to his own beliefs; and how many men are agreed in everything?

2. We are far more in love with our own fancy than with the object of it.

If we saw the object of our affections as it is, there would be no such thing as love.

When we cease to love, the person we used to love remains unchanged, but we no longer see with the same eyes; the magic veil is drawn aside, and love disappears.

3. People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little.

It is plain that an ignorant person thinks everything he does know important, and he tells it to everybody.

But a well-educated man is not so ready to display his learning; he would have too much to say, and he sees that there is much more to be said, so he holds his peace.

4. True politeness consists in showing our goodwill towards men; it shows its presence without any difficulty; those only lack this goodwill are compelled to reduce the outward signs of it to an art.

5. A sedentary life is the source of tedium; when we walk a good deal we are never dull.

6. "What will people think" is the grave of a man's virtue and the throne of a woman's.

7. The love of fashion is contrary to good taste, for faces do not change with the fashion, and while the person remains unchanged, what suits it at one time will suit it always.

8. You cannot give orders unless you can do the work yourself...

9. We do not practise the use of our weapons when we are face to face with the enemy, we do that before the war; we come to the battle-field ready prepared.

10. To the wicked, death is the close of life; to the just it is its dawn.

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