Telegram from Guernica - Nicholas Rankin
Title: Telegram from Guernica
Author: Nicholas Rankin
Publisher: Faber & Faber, London
Year Published: 2003
Started reading: 18 March 2024
From the back cover:
George Lowther Steer (1909- 1944) was a classical scholarwho fought against dictatorship.
Perhaps our greatest war correspondent, he reported the Italian invasion of Ethiopia,
the Russian invasion of Finland and single-handedly exposed the truth behind Nazi involvement in the bombing of Guernica in 1937.
In 1940 he joined the British Army and pioneered front-line psychological operations in Africa and Asia.
Nicholas Rankin's exhilarating biography evokes the restless life and turbulent times of a warrior for freedom, whose apt epitaph was 'scriptor et miles', writer and soldier.
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